일시 | 주제 | 장소 | 발표논문 수 ( 인원 ) |
2011 년 03 월 18 일 |
Asiam Financial and Monetary Integration | 신라호텔 마로니에홀 | 7 (7) |
2012 년 05 월 11 일 ~12 일 |
"Fairness and the welfare state in the age of aging" | 정경관 618 호 | 15 (15) |
2013 년 08 월 29 일 ~30 일 |
고령화추세와 그 경제적·사회적 영향과 대책에 관한 한일 간 비교연구 | 고려대 국제관 115 호실 | 13 (13) |
< 2013 년 >
No | 대회명 | 논문명 | 발표자 | 발표일 |
1 | American Economic Association Conference | Improving the Health Coverage of the Rural Poor: Does Contracting out Medical Mobile Terms | 김범수 | 201301 |
2 | Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference | Welfare Policy of Choson Dynasty(1392-1910) in the Malthusian Age | 이헌창 | 20130214 |
3 | Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference | Corporate Accounting Control and Corporate Governance Structure in Wartime Japan | 박이택 | 20130214 |
4 | 고령화추세와 그 경제적·사회적 영향과 대책에 관한 한일 간 비교연구 | Age-specific internal migration, fiscal policies and regional growth differentials in Korea | 박이택 | 20130829 ( 예정 ) |
< 2012 년 >
No | 대회명 | 논문명 | 발표자 | 발표일 |
1 | Economics Research Seminar Series at the University of Leeds | Sraffa's Given Quantities of Output and Keynes's Principle of Effective Demand | 박만섭 | 20120215 |
2 | The UK Forum for Post Keynesian Economics | Sraffa's Given Quantities of Output and Keynes's Principle of Effective Demand | 박만섭 | 20120313 |
3 | Fairness and the Welfare State in the Age of Aging | Political competition, inequality and the welfare state | 이우진 | 20120511 |
4 | Fairness and the Welfare State in the Age of Aging | How unequal are opportunities in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan? | 이우진 | 20120511 |
5 | The UN Conference Rio+20 on Sustainable Development | Further Steps to Achieve Sustainable Development through Green Economy | 강성진 | 201206 |
6 | The XVIth World Economic History Congress | Shijonasa Merchant Community in late Choson Korea | 이헌창 | 20120712 |
7 | Young Researchers ’ Workshop of Theoretical and Applied Studies in Classical Political Economy | A ' Sraffian -Keynesian' approach to effective demand in the long period | 박만섭 | 20120911 |
8 | Third Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference | Mobility and Patent Productivity of Korean Inventors | 김진영 | 20121013 |
9 | WIPO Economic Seminar Series 2012 | Mobility and Patent Productivity of Korean Inventors | 김진영 | 20121029 |
10 | 2012 Asian Conference on Applied Micro-Economics/Econometrics | Mobility and Patent Productivity of Korean Inventors | 김진영 | 20121101 |
11 | 際日本文化硏究 センタ際硏究集會 | アジアにおいて Politica leconomy の語として登場した 諸用語 の原義とその進化 | 이헌창 | 20121113 |
< 2011 년 >
No | 대회명 | 논문명 | 발표자 | 발표일 |
1 | 71st International Atlantic Economic Conference | Teams in R&D: Evidence from Inventor Data | 김진영 | 2011031 |
2 | 2011 KAPE International Conference | A ' Sraffian -Keynesian' approach to effective demand in the long period | 박만섭 | 20110414 |
3 | Second Asia - Pacific Innovation Conference | Teams in R&D: Evidence from Inventor Data | 김진영 | 20110503 |
4 | UC Berkeley – Peking University Conference: Evolution of Chinese Patenting and Its Implications for Research and Innovation | Patent Productivity of Inventors over the Life Cycle | 김진영 | 20110510 |
5 | Econometric Society Australasian Meeting 2011 | Expected Returns, Expected Dividend Growth Rates, and the Price-Dividend Ratio(Implications of Structural Breaks) | 박철범 | 20110705 |
6 | 2011 Asian Conference on Applied Microeconomics/Econometrics | Remarriage and Human Capital Investment in Children | 김진영 | 20111117 |